The Challenge

Can Milton-Freewater residents, visitors, businesses and service providers, maintain a high quality of life today while providing future generations a meaningful position within the Walla Walla Valley? Can we acheive a sustainable vibrant future for our community?


The Response

To these questions, the Milton-Freewater Downtown Alliance (MFDA) and its Design Committee has assembled award-winning design professionals from across the Northwest to oversee a broad community conversation. Our goal is to think outside the box and identify creative to enrich and revitalize this unique historic community. 

Project Discovery

Interactive Discovery Timeline

It Started with One Question

What are the sustainability elements required of Milton-Freewater residents, visitors, businesses and service providers, that will support a high quality of life today and provide for future generations a meaningful position within the Walla Walla Valley?

An Answer and a Plan

To this question, the Milton-Freewater Downtown Alliance (MFDA) and its Design Committee has assembled award-winning design professionals from across the Northwest to oversee a broad community conversation.

These design professionals are tasked with Imagineering. Thinking about specific areas (Districts) of the City and their connectivity opportunities. Importantly, no predetermined restrictions or current economic realities will be brought to this exercise to encourage "out of the box" creativite thinking.

The sole creative purpose of these new “Overlay Districts” will be to share/capture thoughtful ideas for a vital city that will drive a sustainable future. The form of this community conversation will take shape over several months in 2015 and will be presented for review, consideration and comment via three platforms; digital, paper media and public presentations/forums.

The Results?

We expect many positive ideas to come about as a result of this creative community process. Purposeful creative concepts will drive further internal City and broader County discussion as to the existing Comprehensive Plan (zoning, etc.), as well as required infrastructure development...and will , inevitably, require both form and context in order to attract needed investment (both private and public). In this regard, the MFDA expects to make application to the American Institute of Architects, (Sustainable Design Assessment Teams), program where a Team of assigned AIA professionals as well as other professional disciplines will assess community assets and arrive at recommendations as to the overall plan forward.

The MFDA desires to respectfully engage Milton-Freewater’s community-at-large as to the road forward: the deliverable becoming the establishment of the Milton-Freewater Revitalization Strategic Plan- the driving force in shaping the City’s meaningful future within the County and within Walla Walla Valley, while actively seeking needed investment.